Vischedha Solutions

A Data Science & AI Company

Generative AI & LLMs, pioneers cutting-edge implementations in both Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs). In Generative AI, the focus is on leveraging advanced models for creative content generation, showcasing a commitment to innovation and pushing AI boundaries. For LLMs, deploys state-of-the-art models like OpenAI’s GPT series,Hugging Face’s LaMDA, Google’s PathwaysLM and Meta LLama2 customizing them for tasks such as sentiment analysis, text creation, summarization and interaction with documents.

Generative AI, we are pioneers in AI innovation, specializing in creating cutting-edge solutions powered by Generative AI, Large Language Models (LLMs), Computer Vision, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning. Our data-driven approach ensures that our solutions not only push the boundaries of AI but also align with real-world insights. The microservices architecture of our AI solutions enables seamless implementation and adaptability, making us a leading provider of exceptional AI solutions.'s GenAI Services



Model Representation






Generative AI in text operations involves the use of advanced models to generate textual content autonomously. These models, such as OpenAI’s GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series, are trained on vast datasets and can produce human-like text based on given prompts. Text operations in generative AI encompass diverse tasks, including text completion, summarization, translation, and creative writing.
GenAI Operations with
. Text-to-Text(T2T)
. Text-to-Image(T2I)
. Text-to-audio (T2A)
. Question answering (QA):
. Summarization
. Translation
. Information extraction